Under the Therapeutic Courts Statute (RCW 2.30), the Washington State Legislature defines and authorizes drug courts and other therapeutic courts.

The Criminal Justice Treatment Account (CJTA) created under RCW 71.24.580 established in 2002 provides funding for treatment and support services for individuals with a substance use disorder against whom charges are filed by a prosecuting attorney, within a drug court program, and for administrative and overhead costs to operate a drug court. Learn more: Origins of the CJTA and State Drug Court Funding.

State Funding for Therapeutic Courts in Courts of Limited Jurisdiction (District & Municipal Courts) is administrated through Washington State Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC).

BJA Grant Funding for Drug Courts, Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts, and Veterans Treatment Courts.

Adult Treatment Court Best Practice Standards (All Rise) provides evidence-based guidance on 1) target population 2) equity and inclusion 3) roles and responsibilities of the judge 4) incentives, sanctions and service adjustments 5) substance use, mental health, and trauma treatment and recovery management 6) complementary services and recovery capital 7) drug and alcohol testing 8) multidisciplinary team 9) census and caseload 10) program monitoring, evaluation, and improvement.

Downloadable PDFs available here:

  • Best Practice Standards – 2nd edition (2024)
  • Best Practice Standard VII – Drug and Alcohol Testing (2018)
  • Best Practice Standard IX – Census and Caseloads (2018)

10 Key Components of Drug Courts are summarized by Partners for Progress. More detailed information can be found through Defining Drug Courts: Key Components. Download here.

AllRise Resource Page: training, publications, sample documents, case law, media and messaging, funding, podcasts, and webinars on demand for all types of therapeutic courts.

All Rise Treatment Court Institute provides training and technical assistance for treatment courts including: best practices, equity and inclusion, incentives, sanctions and therapeutic adjustments, medication for addiction treatment, assessments, multi-track treatment courts, and role specific trainings for practitioners and providers.

Urinalysis (UA) Testing in Therapeutic Courts. Presentation by Washington State Association of Drug Court Professionals (WSADCP) and Washington State Therapeutic Court Alumni Association (WSTCAA).

Equity & Inclusion Resources: to assist therapeutic court professionals in their efforts to promote equity and inclusion.

Risk Needs and Responsivity. Presentation by Dr. Jacqueline van Wormer / National Drug Court Institute.

Motivational Interviewing Toolkit & Bench Cards

The Drug Court Team: Roles and Responsibilities. The National Center for State Courts identifies and outlines roles and responsibilities, discusses common team challenges, and explains team development.

JUDGES: Role of the Judge, Drug Court Judicial Benchbook, Judicial Bench Card, Ethical Considerations for Judges and Attorneys in Drug Court, All Rise Best Practice Standard III: Roles and Responsibilities of the Judge, Essential Components of Trauma-Informed Judicial Practice (NTCRC)

PROSECUTORS: The Role of the Prosecutor in Drug Courts, The Role of Prosecutors in Drug Treatment Courts

DEFENSE ATTORNEYS: The Role of Defense Counsel on the Drug Court Team, The Role of Defense Counsel in Drug Courts, Critical Issues for Defense Attorneys, Reference Guide for Treatment Court Defense Attorneys

COURT COORDINATORS: The Treatment Court Coordinator

CASE MANAGERS: Drug Court Case Management: Role, Function and Utility

PROBATION OFFICERS / COMMUNITY SUPERVISION OFFICERS: Role of Probation, Fact Sheet: Probation Practices, Community Supervision Within the Treatment Court Model – Practice Guidelines for the Field

LAW ENFORCEMENT: The Role of Law Enforcement in Treatment Courts

PEERS: Incorporating Peer Recovery Support into Treatment Courts (All Rise), Peer Support Roles in Criminal Justice Settings, Value of Peers (2017), Integrating Peer Supports in Treatment and Recovery Courts, Peer Support Roles in Criminal Justice Settings, How to Start a Treatment Court Alumni Program, Peer Support Resources (Copeland Center)

TREATMENT PROVIDERS: Using Motivational Interviewing in SUD Treatment

What is a Community Court: How the Model is Being Adapted Across the United States

Principles of Problem-Solving Justice (Center for Court Innovation).

Community Justice Today: Values, Guiding Principles, and Models Discusses the Guiding Principles of Community Justice: 1) Co-Create Justice 2) Advance Equity 3) Put People First 4) Prioritize Community-Based Solutions 5) Promote Accountability 6) Model Innovation

Building the Research Base: An Evaluation Blueprint for Community Courts. Outlines strategies and performance measures related to 7 key principles 1) Individualized Justice 2) Community Engagement 3) Alternative Outcomes 4) Client Accountability 5) System Accountability 6) Enhanced Information 7) Collaboration.

Mapping Community Resources

Risk-Need-Responsivity: Response Recommendations for Community Courts

Community Courts Initiative – links to various publications (Bureau of Justice Assistance)

Family Treatment Court Best Practice Standards

Washington Court Improvement Program (CIP) – Family & Youth Justice Programs

Children and Family Futures

Family Treatment Court Program (OJJDP)

What Are Family Treatment Courts and How Do They Improve Outcomes for Children and Families? (Casey Family Programs)

Native Child Advocacy Resource Services

10 Guiding Principles for DWI Courts

Juvenile Drug Treatment Court Guidelines

Juvenile Drug Treatment Courts (OJJDP)

Youth Healing to Wellness Court Programs (OJJDP)

Improving Responses to People with Mental Illness: The Essential Elements of a Mental Health Court. This report by the Council of State Governments Justice Center for the Bureau of Justice Assistance describes the 10 essential elements of a mental health court: 1) Planning & Administration 2) Target Population 3) Timely Participant Identification & Linkage to Services 4) Terms of Participation 5) Informed Choice 6) Treatment Supports and Services 7) Confidentiality 8) Court Team 9) Monitoring Adherence to Court Requirements 10) Sustainability.

A Guide to Mental Health Court Design and Implementation by Council of State Governments (CSG) Justice Center provides a roadmap for those interested in establishing a mental health court in their jurisdiction. Based largely on the experiences of existing mental health courts, the guide is organized according to three basic steps that should be followed by any community considering the establishment of a mental health court, which are: understanding the mental health concept; determining whether a mental health court is appropriate; and considering elements of mental health court design and implementation.

Mental Health Court Performance Measures (MHCPM) offered by the National Center for State Courts is a set of 14 performance measures that offers court managers and administrators a tool to monitor the performance of mental health courts. These measures were designed by the NCSC with guidance from national experts and field tested by four courts across the country. The measures are designated to be used as a management tool, to monitor program performance, and to demonstrate accountability to funding agencies, court leaders, external partners, and the public.

Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program (BJA)

Tools and Resources for Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts

Tribal Key Component Summary

Ten Components – Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts (Tribal Law and Policy Institute)

Tribal Court Clearinghouse

Walking on Common Ground: Resources for Promoting & Facilitating Tribal-State-Federal Collaborations

Youth Healing to Wellness Court Programs (OJJDP)

Tribal Law and Policy Institute

Justice for Vets has free foundational training available for Veterans Treatment Courts that are pre or post implementation, in need of a refresh, or never formally trained and facing challenges. They also have a useful resource library with best practice information, key components, sample documents, and target population guidance.

Ten Key Components of Veterans Treatment Courts

When Thank You Is Not Enough (A Justice for Vets Podcast)

Supporting Individuals with Acquired Brain Injury

Brain Injury and the Importance in the Context of Treatment CourtsPart 1 and Part 2. (National Association of State Head Injury Administrators)

Veterans Treatment Court: Roles and Responsibilities

Veterans Treatment Court Program (BJA)

Motivational Interviewing Toolkit for Veterans Treatment Courts